Where Panda Live
Where do Giant Pandas Live in China China is threatened by pollution and deforestation in the future, but giant pandas have already lost their habitat …
What does a ghost panda eat?BamBOO!
How did the panda lose his dinner?He was "Bamboozled"!
What did a panda cook with?A pan , duh!
What do Chinese bears wear over their faces when they’re robbing banks?Pandanas!
What do chinese bears eat for breakfast?Panda-cakes!
Why did the panda date a Victoria Secret model?She had really big bamboobs.
What's invisible and smells like bamboo?Panda farts.
What’s black and white and bounces?A rubber panda.
What's black and white and goes round and round?A panda stuck in a revolving door.
Did you hear about the Pandas that were in a food fight?They all got Bambooboos
What's a bear's favorite expendable organ?The panda-creas!
Why are pandas endangered?Because bamboo shoots.
What did the panda say when he was forced out of his natural habitat?This is un-BEAR-able.
Did you hear about the party at the Chinese zoo?It was Panda-monium.
What do you call a male panda?Amanda.
Why do pandas have fur coats?Because they’d look silly in denim jackets.
What do pandas eat on Halloween?BamBOO!
I asked a panda if he was my friend.He said, “Just nearly.”
Where do Giant Pandas Live in China China is threatened by pollution and deforestation in the future, but giant pandas have already lost their habitat …
Pandas are, no matter how many lovely videos you have watched, never approach a giant panda in the wild. They have strong jaws and legs that are …