For the most part, a panda is a medium-sized bear but can still seriously injure or even kill anyone who infuriates it. A large female can weigh between 220 and 350 pounds, whereas a large male usually does not. In general, the panda has the body form of a bear and is stocky and heavyset. The special claws and strong limbs allow it to administer punishing blows to animals that climb it. It has an incredible biting power to crush the hard bamboo and well-developed fangs for battle.
Although not being malicious, there are limits to their endurance. They will fight to the last to protect themselves and their offspring, and they will not allow an infringement on their personal space to be infringed upon.
According to one recent panda attack on humans, it is almost impossible to find relevant data. In 2016, a female panda was preparing to return to the wild when she assaulted and mauled a researcher attempting to observe her cub. After some bites, her colleagues managed to get her under control. His limbs were very seriously wounded, and he had a foot tendon injury. Before reaching the blood transfusion, he almost bled to death. Sources are non-specific, but it is suspected that the panda’s cub was under threat from the researcher.
In general, panda bears are gentle creatures who rarely harass humans. If attacked, pandas can seriously injure or even kill a human. Generally, we are well protected from pandas.